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Get A Free Website SEO Health Check

A fantastic web design is a great start for your online presence but who is visiting your site? Are you getting a good level of traffic? Are you promoting your content and sharing it? All of these things are essential elements for getting your business talked about but organic search traffic is integral to success for almost every website out there.

Search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation or SEO is a highly effective way of ensuring your business attracts organic search traffic via the leading search engines. It is a technical process but there are ways of making sure you’re doing all the right things to rank well in the search engines. At The Web Surgery our SEO experts are on hand to provide you with a FREE SEO Health Check for your website.

There are many different factors which could hold a website back. Everything from old links which have since expired to erroneous redirects and misplaced robots.txt can play a pivotal role in ineffective SEO.

Grow your Organic Traffic with SEO

Our full free SEO Health Checks look deep into your website and cover all the essential elements which make up your search engine ranking and affect the quality of your SERPs.  Our experts will look at your website content, source code, URLs, navigation and many other aspects to ensure you have the right setup to rank well in search engines.

Each free SEO health check report will provide recommendations on anything you have issues with and also guidance on how The Web Surgery can help turn things around.

Your FREE SEO Health Check will include:

This is just the beginning of what will be covered by our experts as they carry out your health check.

  • Full analysis of your website navigation and accessibility
  • Duplicate content checks
  • Metadata and meta tag analysis
  • URL structure analysis
  • Rank checking
  • Competitor analysis
  • Coding analysis and best practice

The Web Surgery SEO Health Check

The Web Surgery is an award-winning digital agency with considerable experience in helping companies with their SEO. We appreciate and understand that it can be confusing for business owners to get to grips with the digital and technical side of their business which is why we’re on hand to help. Our SEO Health Check allows us to get a full understanding of the current position of your company in terms of SERPs and work from here to improve this position.

We look at all the elements mentioned above and provide a detailed report for you to read and digest. From this point you may choose to go it alone and make changes yourself but most people see the benefits in coming back to us. Our experts not only make recommendations for your site after the SEO Health Check, they have the skills to implement the changes you need to see positive change.

Get in touch today to arrange your SEO Health Check. We will be in touch as soon as possible to take a thorough look at your site and deliver our recommendations.